Saturday, April 28, 2007

Sizzler is the new black

Got home from work later than usual last night, absolutely nothing decent to eat in the house for dinner- except for an open can of spagetti-o's and that would only Love me some spagetti-o's. ANYWHO!
Cort's been on this pizza kick....
nothing for dinner- PIZZA
nothing for lunch- PIZZA
Herniated disc- PIZZA
Late for a funeral- PIZZA
the funny thing is, he keeps bringing it up as an option and we haven't had yet, but just his constant idea has completely turned me off...I'm sick of pizza and haven't even taken a bite!

So we hop in the car and try the "spot a restaurant" game. You know, you just start driving and whatever you pass you shout point on the right "how bout Red Lobster?"...oh look there on the left "olive garden". We ended up at Sizzler..yeah yeah Sizzler. For some reason Sizzler reminds Cort of Whitney Houston & Bobby Brown so Cort keeps performing these really bad Whitney impersonations "Bobby, get me some Mabilu Chicken (spelling error intentional)"

So we walk in and let me just throw this in there- Cort & I have been avoiding a lot of questionably public places lately because our little ball of toddlerness...for several reasons....most importantly she has no stranger danger and cannot tell the difference between inside & outside voices/behavior....she also lacks your basic sanity. So Sizzler probably wasn't the greatest choice but I was hungry and becoming bitchy... (WATCH IT!)

So we walk in and your usual crowd that frequents the Sizzler is representin...the dirty, the fat, the ugly...most of all though the swingin kids in their early 100s. I had no idea this is where our seniors came to chew their last steak. Cort and I opted for the Salad Bar with the mind set we could run up, grab our food & shove it down before Quinn had time to play the steak sauce bottle like a guitar, watch the lid fly off and pour down her brand new outfit, all over the booth and into the carpet....we were wrong. Salad Bar was like watching one legged, blind lab rats hunt for the last piece of moldy cheese. I had more than one 90 yr old say to me "go ahead of me" and usher me with their wrinkly hand onto the next item. UNFORTUNATELY there were about 25 seniors at any given time using the actual bar as a arm/elbow/chest rest. You couldn't get to anything. At one point I had to make some serious my beets while they were still chilled or wait for the you can egg for me last night. No a lot of broccoli, cauliflower, baby was a sad salad with several limitations- definitely not all you can eat.
But the service made up for everything
1st of all- we had no idea until we were paying...3 years & under are FREE!!! WOOHOO! You mean Q can actually waste your food and I don't have to pay for it???? SWEET!
2nd- they are extremely child friendly....again, I had no idea, I never paired Sizzler with screaming children....I would more think Whitney & Bobby...but not Bobby Christina
A. They sat us in a back corner booth! No I was not offended, I was impressed..."yes my child is a hellion, do you have anything on the roof or perhaps in the kitchen"
B. They would sporadically come by and compliment whatever...yeah I think she's adorable too...
3rd- they checked on us a bajillion times...and Cort ran to the bathroom and said "hey when she comes back order me more shrimp"...she came back WITH SHRIMP!! I never had time to ask... AT THE SIZZLER!!
4th- 2 different "house managers" came by to ask us how everything first I thought they were doing it because Quinn had grabbed their blinds and was screaming "HIIIIII" at the people eating on the deck, then dumped the sugar packets out of the container and threw them at the senior citizens sitting behind us...but then I noticed they were going to every table checking on everyone

So in conclusion: if you can get passed the nearly dead and maybe you should avoid the salad bar. And if you can swallow an average piece of steak...Sizzler is not so bad....definitely a good alternative to McDonald's

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