Saturday, August 4, 2007

How Rude!

When I became pregnant this 2nd time I got some weird comments when I told people. Normally when someone tells me their pregnant as long as they're not a 16 year old meth addict my first reaction is "congratulations". Somewhere along the way, this response is no longer the first instinctual one in other adults. Instead this is how a couple of my situations went down.

Randi "hey I'm pregnant"
Person not to be named "congratulations, if that's what you really want".....WTF? If that's what you really want? who says shit like that?

2nd situation
Randi "I'm pregnant"
Person not to be named "oh I thought you and Cort didn't want anymore kids?" again HUH??? I responded by saying "no we've never said that"...because we never HAVE said that....where do people come up with this shit. Why not shut your mouth and JUST.SAY. congrats?

The final topper for Cort was he was out getting lunch the other day and ran into a former colleague of ours. The first question out of her mouth was not, how's life, how's Quinn, how's was "so are you and Randi still together"...??? It really irritated Cort and the more I think about it, like how is that the first question out of your bout maybe you warm up to that?

I just don't get people sometimes these days. It makes me want to lock myself in my house and just hang out with my kid.


vedjen said...

hmmm? What the heck happened to my comment? Did I send it? Did you delete it? Oh geez.

winnipegbaby said...

While I know people can be rude, what about the other, more numerous comments you received? You have lots of people THRILLED, so don't let a couple of ill mannered morons jade you..... Most of us are excited for Thing 2!! You shouldn't be so sensitive.... oh, wait... You ARE pregnant and you ARE Randi... nevermind!!