I remember 2 weeks after I had her, I was putting on a pair of sweats and they were baggy. From there on out, I was dropping about 2 lbs a week until I got down to the skinniest I had ever been. I was able to fit into sizes I hadn't seen since 7th grade. I was elated! Sadly, I was also delusional.
I decided to have a second child and thought...no biggie- I'll just tuck away these size 4 jeans until after I have #2. So then again, I allowed myself to gain whatever my body felt necessary..not much exercise or diet supervision. I gained about 3 more lbs then I did with my last pregnancy but no big deal! Then I had her. And nothing changed.
I remember stepping out of the hospital shower the day after I had her and Cort said, "wow you still look about 6 months pregnant". Yes people- I did almost stab him with my IV needle.
And I don't know if it was his comment that cursed me or what, but I am exactly 13 lbs lighter than I was at full term the day I delivered. NOTHING IS COMING OFF. My kid weighed almost 9 lbs...which means I've lost a whole 4 lbs since delivery and that was 4 MONTHS AGO!!!
Now, you may want to ask me "Well are you exercising or eating healthy" and I'll be honest "NO" but I didn't with Quinn either and those lbs seemed to melt off. So what the hell???? Seriously....let me lose even 15 lbs so I can fit into something other than yoga pants and empire shirts.
I turned all the lights off in the bathroom at dusk the other night, took off all my clothes and just stood there examining my silhouette.
I have some serious back fat! How do you hold onto back fat? And why? I'm nursing non-stop! I'm also severely diseased with Largeassosis.....
I mean COME ON!! What do I need to do to get this shit to start coming off??? It's not like I'm sitting here typing, eating a King Sized Caramello, a bowl of popcorn and sucking down a Coke......

What did my doctor say.... Oh yeah, some people hit a wall, and you are a lot older. LOL! That helped! I did, however, notice I started to lose weight once I stopped nursing! Sometimes your body holds onto while nursing - I definitely had that problem with my thrid.
Good luck Randi, and if you figure out the secret, let the rest of us know!
That is so crazy! You did just melt it off when Quinn was born.. I don't know what to tell you. I am potentially about to embark on a fad diet the likes of which has only been seen on late night tv and at AM "Biz" Connections at Chambers of Commerce across the country. I'll let you know how it goes as soon as my hair stops falling out, the shaking stops, and my heart stops racing so I can walk again.
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