I HATE fat people.
Yes I do.
Some of you already know this because I spew it quite regularly with such an evil hatred... I really do hate them.
Now I'm not talking about your average chubby person because....let's face it.....most of us do have a little chub on us...INCLUDING MYSELF (please refer to previous blog).
But I truly do hate fat people. I especially hate the ones that are not old enough to be riding on the "little jazzie" motorized seat things but do anyway. Seriously! There's nothing I hate more than seeing a 40something woman vrooming her ass around the chip aisle at the walmart on one of those....and you know she's riding in it because she's just TOO DAMN FAT! Sistah PUHLEEZE! Get your fatass off the lil rascal and do some jumping jacks- I'm not looking for any of your excuses, I'm just looking to get past you in this aisle!
Disco's Latest Fat Story (gotta million of em, but will share just one!);
So my mother and I are leaving Yaktown at the butt crack of dawn last week with both of my kids in tow. And since mom can flash the flight attendant credentials we usually get some primo treatment. So this time mom got it so I had my own row with Sloaney and she sat in front of me with Quinn. It was great I could nurse Sloane and get out my diaper bag with no bothers.
WELL! We are just about to take off and this ENORMOUS, beady eyed man comes bounding down the aisle and asks me "UH is this seat taken?".
What the fuck?
Did you seriously just ask to sit next to me and my nursing child when there is a row up one and over COMPLETELY EMPTY?
Like WTF????
I was so caught off guard I responded "uhh no". But in my head I'm thinking "who does that?" who finds the seat with the woman with her boob plopped out and asks to sit next to her when he had a perfectly good seat back a few rows? Really, truly, think about the last time you did that....NEVER! Because you never would- you would just stay in your assigned seat and take it like a big boy OR you would move to the row that was completely empty!!
Anyway, and then he goes on "it was kind of crowded back there".
AGAIN. WTF? Crowded?????? You were sitting next to someone back there and NOW your sitting next to someone holding a baby (pretty much 2 someones now) and ATTEMPTING to feed because now I have your fat ass touching mine and even though I have a nursing blanket on I'm still pretty sure you can see my boob because your a hundred feet taller than me. (P.S. my mom is convinced he just wanted to watch me nurse).
So NO JOKE his ass is touching mine and I'm trying to lean into the side of the plane just to give Sloane some space because this fucker wants to hold a conversation with me and I'm trying to feed her.
Then the drink/snack cart comes by and he orders.....wait for it.....Spicy Tomato Juice!!!! Why didn't he just bust out and start chompin on a hot tuna sandwich! Who the hell drinks Spicy Tomato Juice???? It smelled DISGUSTING!
Then when she comes by the second time to collect your garbage- HE ASKS FOR SECONDS!!!
UHHHH Word of Wisdom- Maybe cut out the 2nd Snack and it wouldn't be so "CROWDED"
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