Monday, December 18, 2006

This post may KILL YOU

so I am one for really I am...seriously...I love a little drama in my coffee every morning.
I watch the news, I skim, I religiously read my parents why must there be so many viruses, deadly bacteria or flying gnomes that I had no idea can and will kill me eventually?
This in light of the Great Olive Garden Debacle of 2006 & the E Coli American Tour (no more running for the'll have projectile vomiting and a case of the gordita squirts on the way, so you might want to walk slowly while clenching your butt cheeks trying to avoid all bright lights and loud noises).
On the scale of "Holy Crapness" it doesn't take much to get my goat and this stuff scares the crap out of me. But the only thing that makes me a little skeptical is how come I didn't know about these things before? I mean, come on...I'm almost 30 years come I've never heard of Norovirus until now? Is it new? Maybe....I have no idea. Granted, E Coli has been around for the past few years it just seems like these days more and more people enjoy wiping their asses with their food preparing hand or wiping the asses of their slaughter cows and then enjoying a delightful hamburger and sharing with their friends.
My husband was able to put the Bird Flu into perspective for me and the Black Plague since there was a case a couple months ago in California (how the hell do you contract the Black Plague? FOR RIZZEL? I guess it's cured with like a hefty dose of Tylenol or some over-the-counter shit now)... don't expect the words Black Plague to go over like Chicken Pot Pie watching the 10 o'clock news- (Randi darts up in bed, "WHAT, OH MY GOD, WHAT?")
The other irritation (no it's not a rash) I have is that if you're going to freak me out with a new disease...give me a vaccine or a unicorn with a sweet rainbow at the end of the story. I will vaccinate the shit out of myself and my family (immunization blog). But I can't do anything but exercise my usual paranoia if I know I'm playing Russian roulette with my subway sandwich everyday.

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