Shit. Sorry- I know I've dropped the ball again on this blog thing...but oh well. Whaddaydo?
Anyway, I just read an article about what happens in those final moments before you die and it sparked my train of thought.
Deep topic- I know. But I daydream about these types of scenarios all the time.
Hmm...maybe daydream isn't' really the appropriate word but you get what I'm trying to say.
I do think about what happens to us in those final moments when we realize this world is ending and we are entering a new one.
I really, truly despise organized religions that spell it all out for us. I believe that if we can be still long enough and exercise a little deep seeded meditation to our own higher power, we can begin to understand what is to come in our own future .....or at least get a little insight.
I don't think there is a person out there that believes when we die
The lights go out, curtain goes down . AND SCENE
Well. Except my dad...he's always saying "That's it. That's the end". But I don't believe in his deepest of introspective moments he really believes that.
There is obviously something more out there. My friend Angie and I were talking once and she said "Albert Einstein said, 'energy cannot cease to exist'".
There's my answer.
We are all (among other things) moving, doing, thinking little balls of energy. How does that come to stop? Even when our physical bodies have? So if it doesn't stop- what happens to it?
Many believe we continue to exist in a different field of vision or existence. I tend to think there's something to that. How do you explain sensing a presence or having a profound dream about a friend or family member that has passed away. Or even that feeling you. just. get. sometimes....you know what I'm talking about.
The article I read discusses that most people in their final moments are carrying on a conversation with a deceased family member or friend. They often reach their hand in the air as if to be pulled up by something or someone assisting them in their transition. Someone that has come to lead them down the path to cross over into the next world.
To me, that seems like such a beautiful and peaceful way to go. No religion cluttering it up with righteousness.
Just me, my loved ones and my next journey.
Omg Randi, I loved this post!
I think about that stuff all the time too. Last year in Astronomy we learned about how Einstein discovered that energy can't be destroyed; it just changes. Soo what happens to our energy?
Have you been watching commercials for Hereafter? That is what this post reminds me of. Deep topic.
very profound.
very profound.
Great post.
I like the question that Malia posed...I don't like it being spelt out for us either, but I can't say I don't think we just die. Something for me to ponder about I guess.
with the einstein-thing... i'm wondering if the Hindu's and Bhuddist aren't that much wrong after all... i mean if energy is constant and needs to go somewhere, Reincarnation does indeed make sense.
if you wanna look at it a bit more pragmatically, we do have (at least) three different energies.
we have the matter energy, as in our physical bodies, which is "just" a physical lump of meat...
We have Kinetic energy which is what we create/use when we move our bodies (including digestion and heart and all those other functions we don't normally think about...)
The Matter energy and kinetic energy wouldn't work as a human body without eachother.
Then there is what we can refer to as "the soul" which i believe is another form of energy, which is permanent and unchangeable, but adaptable.
The two first are temporary in as much as the Kinetic energy is active there and then and the matter only exists for as long as our bodies exist, but the Soul-energy ought to be more permanent.
To believe that the Soul is just a result of the matter and Kinetic energies combines would be the same as saying that when the wind blows thru a treetop, the treetop has a soul for those few moments and although a tree may well HAVE a soul i think it's just a too simple explanation...
I guess we'll all find out when our time comes?
This topic is so deep and serious....
I like it.
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This is my first visit to your blog and the first post I read. I too think about this stuff, it intrests me. I loved your post.
A friend once told me that somebody she knows told her that when someone they knew died they said 'they're coming for me'. Those last few moments are something we have to wait to find out, but it is something to wonder about.
Again - great post. =]
nice post
I like your topic..
It keeps me thinking too ..
honestly until now --
keep blogging
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nice post
I like your topic..
It keeps me thinking too ..
honestly until now --
keep blogging
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Montana Elk Hunting|
Seafood Retail
Its in fact a deep topic, but you know to write about it.
You have got a brilliant style of writing.
It makes me think about all and nothing...about to be and not to be.
I'm a believer in WE.JUST.DIE.
Its ironic you quote Einstein because so did I just recently in a post, but I don't agree with him on that particular statement of constant energy.
Great post, U really made me think about that energy? Wht does happen to it?
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I can think of who I would like to be there , lifting me up . Very well said . Thank you .
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