Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Twice the speed of light

Yes Yes, I know it's been a million years since I posted last....simmer down now!

The problem is that I think of posts like this big, overwhelming school science project that's due the next day and I haven't even started collecting my specimens or preparing my beakers....or whatever (I dropped out of chemistry in 10th grade...don't judge me!). So I need to start thinking of them as casual journal entries....WHICH- I do believe is what blogs are really supposed to be....Oh and my other reason of course is because I had a kid....yeah

And it's my second (most of you who read this blog already know that!) and so it goes, even though she's simply gorgeous, and we love her just as much as the last, she sadly gets all the hand-me-downs. No new bassinet or crib here....I'm sure if we could- we would reuse Quinn's old disposable diapers....but I digress (that's not what this post is about)

No- this post is about having 2 children. Not 1.....(ohh parents of one child, if only!! If only the world was that easy!) but 2!!

TWO, Bank Breaking, Sleep Depriving, Toy Breaking, Screaming, Fighting, Double your pleasure Double your Fun, Double your Car seats, Double your laundry, Quadruple your insanity CHILDREN!

I love them, I love them YES I do! But I really really had no idea what I was in for!!!

I had no idea I would be secretly scheduling my alone time in my an affair...scheming the next time I could see that fun, attractive, sexy beast of alone time...and how parting from it is such sweet sorrow....

ME- "but I LOVE YOU...when can I see you again?"

ALONE TIME- "Soon, no one must know about us, they will try to tear us apart if they find out, we should be as quiet as possible so they don't know we're hiding in here.....the bathroom....pretending to have a massive, lengthy bout of diarrhea"

ME- "I promise I won't tell anyone, but please promise me you'll be back!"

A.T.- "I promise, you must go now!"

"I love you!", I whisper..

And just like that, alone time is gone....whisked away just as quickly as it came into my life. And again I sit silently trying to mentally picture our next rendezvous.

But wait, while you're trying to visualize this you must add in about 18 other tasks I am completing at the same time. I now know I can wipe a butt, change the channel and clean yogurt off my floor ALL at the same time! The next time you hear someone say "I can't do that I don't have a third arm". Take a look at them, chances are they don't have more than one kid. because you see, third arms suddenly appear when you are juggling TONS OF SHIT...and I mean shit literally and figuratively. Juggling is no longer a talent, it's a requirement! What really sucked is when I had to go back to work. The juggling was no longer just chauffeuring, kid needs, husband needs, house needs....I then had to add in work needs and scheduling fiascos.

I know this is all part of being a mom and I know one day I will look back and miss these days. I know I really will, but I just have to admit that I was not prepared for the second coming..........


sarah said...

One day you shall have A.T. again! You won't always have the little teensy kidlets though. They grow up so fast! Love you. Mean it.

vedjen said...

Ahhh... I am so glad you are back. Even if your post scares the utter bjezus out of me. Between work and keeping my husband happy (not like that) I only have about 1 hour of non-commute-related alone time a day. And now we're going to have a rugrat that will undoubtedly suck that precious hour right from under me? I did not sign up for this.

ejrowsell said...

Is that where my alone time has gone lately? Its sneaking away to spend time with you?!? LOL, I found your BLOG at random, how funny.