Friday, March 30, 2007

why is this happening to me?

Okay, so London is haunting me

I'm dreaming about it every night
I'm analyzing everything in my life to figure out a way to move there. I want to live there....and I want to move there tomorrow.

Let me preface by saying I have never been to Europe and now this is the only place I've been.

What do I have a case of? Someone please diagnose me and assure me it will pass! Or have me take 2 Toffee Crisps and ring you on my mobile in the morning....

I've been drafting speeches in my mind that I'm going to give Quinn when she becomes a teenager about how we will fund her study abroad....SHE HAS TO DO IT!

Vedjen....I'm coming to you for support! Lil veddie did her Masters over in Jolly ole that right Ved?

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