Wednesday, January 17, 2007

June Cleaver should have partied more

I'll be the first to admit....I'm not a good housewife...
1. I can't cook- nor do I have the burning desire to burn something desirable in my oven.
2. I rarely do laundry- my jeans have a 3 or 4 or 7 time wear life before they hit the basement stairs which is where I throw them when they have finally given out. Today I wore a pair to work with a fry sauce stain on them....
3. I just hired a cleaning company- We are now paying $75 bucks every 2 weeks to have our house cleaned...I don't want to do it but F.U.C.K.! $150 a month for people to come in and do something I could totally do if I just stopped watching Dog the Bounty Hunter for a minute and got off my ass!
4. Scrapbooking & Sewing- These two can go together...I'm equally clueless in both categories...I'll take "Colors of M & Ms & what they mean to me" for $5000 Alex!

I think the only thing that really proves I'm a woman is the fact I've had a kid....definitely a vagina somewhere in the works....Little Q is probably the only thing that I behave womanly around- although I do pin her down and lick her face which isn't very mommy-like..more doggy like...


lovingmysoldier said...

"A good mother has sticky floors, filthy ovens and HAPPY KIDS."

My house is always a mess, until the kids decide to clean it, or we are having company, then it gets shoved in the basement. Although I do scrapbook and sew, and love doing them both, when I have time!

Jeans are supposed to be worn many times in a row before they are washed, duh, just common sense, and I think the part that makes me defined as a stay at home mommy is that I can go the WHOLE day in my jammies...I am so lucky!

mizzmegpie said...

i pick up my house like 10 times a day. I just saying that i have the cleanest dirty house in the world. I CLEAN a lot, but there is always CRAP everywhere. Toys that i step on, dirty clothes everywhere, and dirty diapers. I am sorry those people who say they put dirty diapers in the garbage right after they change there kids are either nuts, or they are lying.

I also like to lick my kids face! except every once in awhile i taste something and then it grosses me out and i dont do it again for a really really really long time!!

winnipegbaby said...

Unfortunately Randi you have inherited an aversion to cleaning. It isn't like we DON'T want a clean, orginized household, we just do not consider it a job we want to do, we would LOVE to have someone take care of it for us. I think finding someone who LIKES to do housework (although I think I would be pretty good at it if I were paid $75 each time I "cleaned") is the solution. The only "womanly" thing I do at home is.... well besides that.... I LOVE to fold laundry (but hate to put it away???) and I am an incredible cook.... I also LOVE to go grocery shopping (again, HATE to put it away). And since men have been on this "equality" kick, cooking isn't considered "feminine" anymore. I consider it a priority to workout, get my hair and nails done, wax certain parts regularly, wear makeup, dress cute, go out for wine to show it all off.
The Miller girls are shiny, frosty, hot, adorable, witty, sexy, and good dressers. We are all woman, we just know that we were not born to clean house, we were born to be amusing and clever and we were born into the wrong social class. We were born to have maids!!!